My Family Unit

Everyone is getting on-line:

My brother is now online too. He has a story from childhood on his page, so I guess I have to have one too - can't let my little brother show off, can we?

Erik and I were playing around in the living-room (he was 4, I was 7) when he fell (quite by himself) and hit his head on a table-top corner. Blood started flowing, so I ran out into the hall and called "Mooooom! Erik's bleeding"

Mother, working upstairs, calls back "Is it bad?"

Me: "No, it's not that bad"

A few minutes later mother comes downstairs with a band-aid and sees little Erik covered in blood... Shriek - swaddle Erik in towels, rush off to hospital in car. Erik gets three (or was it five?) [Note: annotations would be useful here] stitches in his head and is out the same night...

This whack on the head would explain several things about Erik...

Even dear ol' dad has gotten in on the act. He's busy trying to explain the Internet to his employer, and why it would be a good idea for them to go online. I would worry about the amount of work he puts into his work (as he does about me), if he didn't seem to be having so much fun doing it.

Mom braves X-400 addressing to send notes from work through her Canadian embassy gateway...