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Interface org.ginf.Layer

public interface Layer
Layered architecture allows an efficient processing of messages passed by reference from one layer to another. Every layer looks at the message and evaluates the information that it is capable to understand. A layer can call other layers to accomplish its work.

Example of layer initialization:

    Layer service = new MyService(factory);
    Layer transport = new HTTPLayer(factory);
    service.connect( "transport", transport );
    transport.connect( "dispatch", service );

Method Index

 o dispatch(Model, Layer)
A processing request for the layer.


 o dispatch
 public abstract Model dispatch(Model msg,
                                Layer from) throws Exception
A processing request for the layer. Model can be modified within this call, so call dispatch(msg.duplicate(), from) to ensure the original model remains intact

msg - the message to dispatch
from - which Layer the message came from
Model (optional, null if none)

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