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Interface org.ginf.RDFFactory

public interface RDFFactory
A factory used to create RDF parser/serializer, empty flat models, schema-aware models out of flat models and schema registry. This interface is provided to enable applications to use their own implementations of the above mentioned components in a uniform way.

Method Index

 o createModel()
Create an empty flat model.
 o createRDFMS()
Creates a new RDFMS parser/serializer.
 o createSchemaModel(Model)
Create a schema-aware model using the given flat model.
 o registry()
Get the schema registry.


 o createRDFMS
 public abstract RDFMS createRDFMS()
Creates a new RDFMS parser/serializer.

 o createModel
 public abstract Model createModel()
Create an empty flat model.

 o createSchemaModel
 public abstract SchemaModel createSchemaModel(Model m)
Create a schema-aware model using the given flat model.

 o registry
 public abstract SchemaRegistry registry()
Get the schema registry. The schema registry is supposed to be unique, i.e. the same factory delivers always the same registry object.

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