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Class org.ginf.helpers.SchemaModelImpl


public class SchemaModelImpl
extends Object
implements SchemaModel
This class implements evaluation of RDF schema information. This default implementation works only with the default implementation of the registry: SchemaRegistryImpl

Constructor Index

 o SchemaModelImpl(SchemaRegistryImpl, Model)
Works only with SchemaRegistryImpl! Peer model must be a flat model.

Method Index

 o add(Resource, Resource, RDFnode)
Adds a new triple to the message.
 o add(Resource, Resource, String)
Adds a new triple to the message.
 o add(Triple)
 o contains(Triple)
Whether contains given triple
 o create()
 o difference(Model)
Set difference with another model
 o duplicate()
 o elements()
Enumeration of triples.
 o find(Resource, Resource, RDFnode)
Search for triples.
 o find1(Resource, Resource, RDFnode)
Search for a single triple.
 o getURI()
 o remove(Triple)
Removes the triple from the message.
 o setURI(String)
 o size()
Number of triples.
 o union(Model)
Set union with another model
 o validate()
Validates a model.


 o SchemaModelImpl
 public SchemaModelImpl(SchemaRegistryImpl registry,
                        Model peer)
Works only with SchemaRegistryImpl! Peer model must be a flat model.


 o elements
 public Enumeration elements()
Enumeration of triples.

 o size
 public int size()
Number of triples.

 o contains
 public boolean contains(Triple t)
Whether contains given triple

 o add
 public void add(Resource subject,
                 Resource predicate,
                 String object)
Adds a new triple to the message. Object is a String (literal).

 o add
 public void add(Resource subject,
                 Resource predicate,
                 RDFnode object)
Adds a new triple to the message. Object is an RDFnode.

 o add
 public void add(Triple t)
 o remove
 public void remove(Triple t)
Removes the triple from the message.

 o duplicate
 public Model duplicate()

 o create
 public Model create()
 o union
 public Model union(Model m)
Set union with another model

 o difference
 public Model difference(Model m)
Set difference with another model

 o setURI
 public void setURI(String uri)
 o getURI
 public String getURI()
 o find
 public Model find(Resource subject,
                   Resource predicate,
                   RDFnode object)
Search for triples. NULL input parameter match anything. Returns a flat model as a result!

 o find1
 public Triple find1(Resource subject,
                     Resource predicate,
                     RDFnode object)
Search for a single triple. NULL input parameter match anything.

 o validate
 public void validate()
Validates a model. In case of an invalid statement checks whether schema was not loaded

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